New Industrial Heat Regulations for California Factories

Overheated worker in need of heat regulation rules

The state of California recently implemented new heat rules for industrial heat regulations. New Indoor Worker Heat Regulations have been enacted to save workers from the dangers of high temperature working environments. It is specifically written for employees in manufacturing facilities, distribution centers, warehouses, and other non-air-conditioned workspaces. 

New Industrial Heat Regulations

Overheated worker in need of heat regulation rules

The new indoor heat rules state that measures must be implemented when-

  1. The temperature equals or exceeds 87° F
  2. The temperature equals or exceeds 82° F, and workers must wear restrictive clothing
  3. The temperature equals or exceeds 82° F, and workers are in high-radiant areas.

In these situations, employers must:

  • Provide a break area where it is less than 82°F degrees. This “cool down area” must be shielded from other heat sources and provide a true break for the workers.
  • Make potable water available for all workers. Water must be cool, fresh, easily accessible.
  • Grant breaks to cool down when requested. Encourage preventative cool-down breaks regularly to prevent over-heating.

Furthermore, if the facility is regularly above 87°F, employers must change operations entirely. This may include adjusting shifts around the weather, offering personal cooling equipment, or substantial updating the building’s ventilation system.

Excessive heat can lead to problems with employees including a drop in productivity, lowered efficiency, and poor attendance. Of course, prolonged heat exposure can also cause problems such as nausea, vomiting, fainting, and even heat stroke or death.

Meeting the Industrial Heat Regulations with New Fans & Ventilation

Romla Fans has a variety of products to help a facility exhaust hot air and lower temperatures. This includes fans for a range of sizes and configurations. Some options include the following.

  • Fans to exhaust air from the entire building. This includes upblast fans and hooded fans.
  • Fans to bring cool air into the building. Sidewall fans and tube-axial fans are particularly effective at this function.
  • And finally, fans to cool specific work areas. Model AF Air Circulator fans are ideal for spot cooling specific locations. Their versatile mounting options mean they can be installed where workers’ need a cool breeze to keep temperatures under control.

Each of these fans can help a factory, warehouse, shipping facility, lower temperatures to stay within temperature threshold. Plus, with Romla Fans quick shipping & delivery, you can have the fans installed in no time.

Romla Fans Will Help You Beat the Heat

Based in San Diego, California the Romla Fans team is no stranger to California area temperatures. We know how hot it can get in these types of spaces and how important industrial heat regulations are. Our team can help you find the right fans to get your building temperature under control. We can even help you design a complete ventilation system, with evaporative cooling and/or air conditioning through our parent company Moffitt. Contact our team today to find your solution for these new industrial heat rules.